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Full Bioreactor Training In Mixed Reality

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Dan Beaupré, Chief Operating Officer

Jared Decoste

Dan is an educational experience designer who has devoted his entire career to creating transformative experiences. He is the founder of One Giant Leap and served as Vice President of Experiences at the National Geographic Society, where he led the National Geographic Bee, Giant Maps program, Citizen Science, National Geographic Explorers Camp, and the GeoChallenge. Dan is the recipient of awards and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Danish-American Fulbright Commission, and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation. In 1998, he received the Distinguished Teacher Award from the White House. Dan has served on the National Parks Service Education Advisory Board, and boards of Kids4Peace, the National Scenic Visitors Center, and Girls Can Do. He has a B.A. in History from the University of Vermont and a M.Ed. from Harvard University.

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Jared DeCoste, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer

Jared is a multidisciplinary scientist who has spent his career at the interface of materials science and various other disciplines, including biotechnology.  Since 2016, Jared has been an instrumental leader in the biotechnology modernization goals of the Department of Defense, and led the first DoD biomanufacturing scale-up effort for biotemplated carbon. In Jared's 14+ years of DoD experience, he has been instrumental in various workforce development and STEM projects, including the creation of VR experiences for K-12 audiences and prototyping VR fermentation equipment.  Jared was recognized as the 2018 Maryland ACS Chemist of the Year, and the 2021 Joseph Weinand Award winner for STEM Excellence. He has a B.S. in Chemistry and Ph.D. in Materials Chemistry from Binghamton University.

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Jared Decoste

Tom Schmidt, Creative Lead

Tom is an Emmy Award winning producer with unparalleled experience in storytelling in television and immersive. 40+ years experience as a producer, director & creative director for networks ranging from PBS to ESPN. Tom has been at the leading edge of applying new technology to storytelling his entire career. He is a multi-award winner, most recently for his groundbreaking work on ESPN’s E:60. In 2017, he was nominated for producing College Gameday's "Jacob Jarvis: Why it Matters," ESPN's first narrative Virtual Reality experience. In 2013, he was awarded the Lumière for the industry’s first 4K documentary production. Before starting his production company, Percolate Digital, he was Creative Director at the Associated Press Broadcast Center. He was instrumental in creating the award-winning AP GraphicsBank.

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Who We Are

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BioSuite Virtual is being built with input from a robust  community of industrial and academic biomanufacturing experts.  Each institutional member of our development community regularly contributes key ideas and insights based on current workplace needs, state of the art technical training, and learning design. This invaluable counsel sets this platform apart, assuring our users of BioSuite Virtual’s relevance, accuracy, and ability to prepare the trainee for a job in today’s bioeconomy.

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BioSuite Virtual partners
BioSuite Virtual partners
BioSuite Virtual partners
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BioSuite Virtual is being built with input from a robust  community of industrial and academic biomanufacturing experts.  Each institutional member of our development community regularly contributes key ideas and insights based on current workplace needs, state of the art technical training, and learning design. This invaluable counsel sets this platform apart, assuring our users of BioSuite Virtual’s relevance, accuracy, and ability to prepare the trainee for a job in today’s bioeconomy.

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There are times when a novel technology can have an outsized impact. Currently, the
demand for skilled employees in biomanufacturing is unmet by traditional workforce
pipelines. This gap between job demand and trained workers is expected to grow – by
2030, 1.1 million new workers will be needed in the field of biomanufacturing.
But it isn’t just about numbers. It is about quality. Real time, in-person training is
expensive, time-intensive, and often lacking in direct bioreactor instruction.
Problems like these spawn innovation. BioSuite Virtual is a powerful innovation
positioned to propel bioreactor training rapidly and effectively, meeting the growing
needs of the new bioeconomy.
Built by the best virtual reality designers and fueled with time-tested learning theory,
trainees learn at their own pace through step-by-step instruction. BioSuite Virtual can be
implemented anytime, anywhere. Trainees are able to repeat functions until mastery of
knowledge and skills is attained. They can be trained at work, at home, or in a dorm
room. Such training is safe, able to be credentialed, and promises time and cost-
savings efficiency.
BioSuite Virtual.


Tomorrow’s training today

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